Becoming a childminder
You don’t need any prior qualifications or experience to set yourself up as a childminder. All you’ll need is to complete a registration process that ensures safety and quality of care for the children you’ll look after.
What is a childminder?
Someone registered to provide paid childcare from domestic or non-domestic premises for children under 8 years old. Childminders can work alone or with up to three other childminders/assistants.
You must register as a childminder if all of the following apply:
Childminders with Domestic Premises
Provide childcare on domestic premises (usually their own home) for all of the time, or provide childcare for some of the time on domestic premises and some of the time on approved non-domestic premises.
Childminders without Domestic Premises
Provide childcare on approved non-domestic premises all of the time. They cannot care for children on domestic premises at any time.

Childminder Grants Scheme
Any childminder who completes registration between 15 March 2023 and 31 March 2025 is eligible to claim a £600 start-up grant. You must be a registered childminder before you apply. Apply now
5 steps to Ofsted registration
Although registering as a childminder is a simple process there are a number of steps you’ll need to complete.
Step 1 - Pass Criminal and Health Checks
Step 4 - Prepare for Ofsted Registration Visit
Step 5 - Follow legal requirements
Register with HMRC
As you’ll be self employed you’ll need to register with HMRC for tax & insurance purposes.
Register to hold personal data
Due to Data Protection Laws you may need to register with the Information Commissioner's Office.
Secure the necessary insurance
You’ll need Public Liability Insurance and to check you’re still covered for your home and car insurance.
Start Childminding – You’re ready to begin
Ongoing Training
Continue your Professional Development with our wide range of training topics.
Downloadable resources
Created specifically for childminders by our highly qualified and experienced team.
Annual Membership
Our affordable membership package is the best way to gain all the benefits we offer.
Common questions
How long will it take and what will it cost?
Watch: What will I need and what will it cost?
The entire process may take a few months. As with any business, there are costs involved in becoming a registered childminder. There are no grants available to help with start up costs, but keep receipts for all that you spend as you will be able to add them as expenses for tax purposes once you are registered.
Ofsted Registration fee
If you register with a childminding agency, they will determine their own costs.
Cost: £35.00 or £103.00 depending on which registers you join
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check
For each person over 16 who lives or works in your home.
Cost: £48 per person
DBS Update Service
Ofsted strongly recommend that each person also signs up for the DBS Update Service which will allow future employers to check the persons DBS status without them having to undergo more DBS checks.
Annual fee: £16
Full paediatric First Aid course
Needs to be in place before you can apply to Ofsted.
Approximate cost: £100
Introductory training
Meeting the requirements of the EYFS and equipping you to start your own childminding business.
Cost: £175 (Childminding UK Online Childminder Introductory Training course)
Public Liability insurance
Has to be in place as soon as you register even if you don’t have minded children. Childminding UK works closely with Morton Michel who offer a comprehensive policy for childminders.
Cost: £59.50 (discounted by £6.55 for Childminding UK members)
Car/house insurance
Some companies charge additional premiums to include business use or contents cover if you are childminding.
Cost: Varies
Safety equipment
Fire detection and control equipment such as a fire blanket and at least one smoke alarm on each floor of your home and appropriate first aid kit(s) must be provided.
Cost: Varies
Health Declaration form
GP fee for Health Declaration form.
Cost: Varies greatly as each surgery decides their own fees
Toys and equipment
Costs will vary depending on your individual circumstances and what you have already.
Cost: Varies
Child transport
Extra child car seats, double buggy or travel cot etc.
Cost: Varies
Home and garden safety
Improvements to house and garden to ensure safety (e.g. repair existing fencing in garden).
Cost: Varies
Childminding Resources
You may choose to purchase some childminding resources such as policies and procedures.
Cost: Varies
Additional actions
Ofsted may also recommend some other actions that you need to take before they will register you which may cost you money.
Cost: Varies
Do I need permission from my landlord?
Childminders care for children on domestic premises. This is in someone’s home (usually the childminder’s own home) but it can be someone else’s home. It is not usually the home of one of the children. As such you must ensure you’ll be allowed to operate your business from your home prior to registering.
Rented accomodation
If you live in rented accomodation you need to check the terms of your agreement to see if you are allowed to operate a childminding business from home. You will certainly need your landlords/leaseholders written permission.
There may be a clause in the agreement that states you can't operate a business from the house, but the landlord/leasholder can change this if they choose to.
A conversation explaining the registration requirements and risk assessment alongside what insurances are in place can help a landlord/leaseholder see that there isn’t a huge increased risk to allowing a person to childmind from the property. It is recommended that you discuss this directly with the landlord/leaseholder and not their agent.
There is tenants insurance for fixtures and fittings that a childminder can purchase to help reassure a landlord/leasholder their property is covered by insurance and allay any fears about extra damage to the property.
If you are allowed to childmind from the property expect to provide any extra safety equipment needed (fire blanket, stair gates) yourself and make good any fixing or holes made as a result before you move out.
If the landlord/leaseholder still insists you can't childmind from their property, there is nothing else you can do as it is their choice whether they allow childminding or not.
Download our template for writing a letter to your landlord
If there is a mortgage on the property, there may be a clause that says a business can’t be run from the property, but childminding businesses are often looked at slightly differently to any other business and may excluded from this.
Can I get my startup costs covered with the government grant?
Any childminder who completes registration between 15 March 2023 and 31 March 2025 is eligible to claim a £600 start-up grant.
You must be a registered childminder before you apply.
If I have a Level 3 or higher Early Years qualification or experience of working in early years, do I need to complete Introductory Training?
It depends on how old the qualification is and what training you’ve completed since.
The main areas you may be missing are:
- EYFS (if you’ll be registering on Early Years Register)
- Safeguarding Children
- Leading and Managing a Childminding Setting (information about running a childminding business)
Courses completed since 2008 will have included the EYFS. Safeguarding Training needs completing every 2 years. Some qualifications do not include specific childminding business information (such as tax and insurance information, interviewing with parents, balancing the needs of your family and your childminding, marketing your business) as they are for the general childcare workforce.
You could consider completing the individual modules you’re missing rather than the entire course.
How many children can a childminder look after?
Childminders can care for no more than 6 children under 8 years old. These numbers include a childminders own children and any children they are responsible for (such as foster children). Of the six only three can be younger than 5* and only one can be under a year old.
Watch: How many children can I look after?
Exceptions to the rule
Occasionally variations to the numbers are allowed. For example if caring for twin babies. But the total number of minded children under 8 years cannot exceed the legal limit of 6. Additionally you may look after up to 6 children under 5 years old provided 3 of them only attend before or after school or during the holidays.
*up until 31st August following their 5th Birthday
What funding is available for Introductory or Common Core Training?
Northamptonshire residents may be entitled to funding from the UK Posterity Fund, to attend an information session about working in childcare and receive funded and supported Introductory or Common Core Training through Childminding UK. Sessions will start in September.
Eligibility is very straight forward:
- 16yrs + (no upper limit)
- living in Northamptonshire and unemployed (may or may not be claiming benefits), or
- economically inactive (not in work and not claiming benefits e.g. students, care leavers, Maternity or Paternity leave etc).
If you think you are eligible, please contact [email protected] or call 01536 210 685 for a no obligation discussion.
What is the difference between Childminding with Domestic Premises and Childminding Without Domestic Premises?
While this is technically possible, it shouldn’t be necessary as Childminding with Domestic Premises allows you to also work on non-domestic premises.
Are the ratios the same for the difference registration options?
Whether you are a childminder with domestic premises or a childminder without domestic premises, the ratios are the same.
How many adults can I work with?
Childminders can work with up to 3 other people (childminders or childminding assistants).
How much time do I need to spend at home if I am registered with Domestic Premises?
While you must spend some time working from your registered domestic premises, there isn’t a minimum requirement for this.
If you’d prefer to discuss the process in person give us a call on 01536 210 685 and we will be happy to discuss your individual requirements.
Step 1 Pass Criminal and Health Checks
Ofsted require these checks to be completed prior to registration to ensure the safety of children within your care.
Obtain a full criminal record check (DBS)
You and any other relevant people over 16 years of age must obtain a DBS Check before you can apply to register. Each person must apply for their own DBS check using the Ofsted DBS Application Portal ‘Matrix’.
Ofsted will only accept a DBS certificate within 3 months of the issue date. Because of this they strongly recommend that each person also apply for the DBS update service which costs £16.00 per year. This can be applied for on application or up to 30 days after you receive your certificate.
Download and complete a Healthcare Declaration Form
If you are applying to the Early Years Register you must complete a Health Declaration form. You’ll need to fill in parts A and B1 then print it off and take to your GP for approval and completion. Your surgery is likely to charge you for this service.
You do not need to have a physical examination or book an appointment with your GP to get this form completed. You can leave it with reception who will contact you once it is completed. If you have an ongoing medical condition you may wish to make an appointment with your GP to discuss the implications of carrying out a childminding role.
Step 2 Complete Essential Training
The training you need to complete depends on the ages of children you plan to care for and any previous early years training and experience you have. You’ll also need to be first aid trained.
If you have no previous experience or training
If you don’t have any early years qualifications or experience, you'll need to complete a training course suitable for the ages you plan to care for.
Introductory Training Caring for ages 0-12
If you’ll be caring for children aged 0-12, you’ll need to complete an introductory training course. There are many available but not all courses will contain all the content you’ll need for registration. You need to ensure you select a course that covers how to implement the Early years foundation stage statutory framework (EYFS).
Our course covers all the requirements of the EYFS necessary for registration plus extra information to help you build a high quality and sustainable business.
Common Core Training Caring for ages 5 and over
If you’ll be caring for school children aged 5 and over only you’ll need at least a Level 2 qualification or training in the Common Core before registering. Completing this qualification allows you to register with Ofsted on the childcare register only (without the early years register).
Our unique and comprehensive course covers all the Common Core of Skills and Knowledge and includes practical information to help you carry out your day to day responsibilities.
Introductory Training Course (Ofsted Recognised)
CPD Certified Online Training Contains 5 modules £175.00 -
Introductory Training Course For Childminders without Domestic Premises (Ofsted Recognised)
CPD Certified Online Training Contains 5 modules £175.00 -
Introductory Course for Qualified and Experienced Early Years Practitioners
CPD Certified Online Training Contains 2 modules £70.00 -
Common Core Training for the Childcare Register (Ofsted Recognised)
CPD Certified Online Training Contains 4 modules £125.00
Funding for Northamptonshire residents
If you live in Northamptonshire, you may be entitled to funded Introductory or Common Core training. Find out more
Level 3 Award - Preparing to Work in Home Based Childcare
This course is an option for those who would like to gain a Level 3 Award as part of their registration process. Includes our award winning Introductory Course.
View courseFirst aid training Legally required every 3 years
You must complete a full 12-hour Paediatric First Aid course prior to registering. The EYFS states training should be a nationally approved or accredited first aid qualification or one that is a member of a trade body with an approved monitoring scheme. You can attend the full 12 hours or choose a 'blended' course (6 hours online and 6 hours in the classroom). You must retake the course every 3 years.
Save 10% on Tigerlily paediatric first aid coursesIf you have an existing early years qualification or experience
If you have an early years qualification (such as a Level 3 or Higher Early Years Qualification) or experience and and are confident in your knowledge of the EYFS, there is no requirement for additional training in the EYFS. However, it’s worth considering how long ago you achieved your qualification and how much experience you have of working in an early years setting since then.
It’s also important to note that Childminder Introductory Training covers much more than just the EYFS. A childminder role is very different to working in other settings. Your existing qualification may not cover sector specific information, such as designated safeguarding lead or how to set up and run a childminding business. Our new course is specifically designed to cover sector specific parts of the role commonly missing from existing qualifications.
NEW Introductory Course for Qualified and Experienced Early Years Practitioners
Top up your previous experience or training. The course includes sector specific topics not usually covered by other qualifications such as designated safeguarding lead and how to set up and run a childminder setting.
View course“100% recommend the childminding UK introductory course!! It is so straightforward informative without being overbearing and covers everything you need to know to get started.” Bethany
“The multiple choice tests I found were great as I haven't had to wait for an assessor to mark any coursework and it allowed me to complete the course in a much shorter time span” Satisfied learner
“Just finished the Common Core Training – thank you for giving such insightful and practical information- and the information about the Ofsted process is an added extra – thank you Childminding UK.” Satisfied learner
“Nothing is too much to ask from Childminding UK and they are both friendly and professional. Choosing their training is the best decision I ever made. It’s really reasonably priced, easy to complete and gives you everything you need.” Cathy
Step 3 Apply to the correct Ofsted register
You’ll need to ensure you apply to the correct register(s). This depends on the age of the children you plan to look after, although many childminders register on both.
Early Years Register Ages 0-5
This register is compulsory for childminders looking after children aged 0-5 (until the child has reached the end of the reception year in school). When joining this register you can also join the Childcare Register at no extra cost.
Childcare Register Ages 5 and over
The Childcare Register has 2 parts. The Compulsory part covers childminders looking after school aged children between 5 and 8 years. The Voluntary part covers childminders caring for children over 8 years only.
Register on both If you plan to care for children of all ages
If you plan to care for children of both ages you can be added to both registers. Join the Early Years Register and then choose to be added to the Childcare Register at no extra cost.
Begin application on
This information covers applicants living and working in England.
You may be looking for guidance on registering in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
Pre-registration checklist
In order to complete registration you’ll need the following:
DBS checks
For you and anyone else connected with your setting that needs a DBS check.
More about DBS checks -
Training Certificates
For essential childcare and first aid training.
More on essential training -
Healthcare Declaration Form
Shared with and approved by your doctor.
More on declaration form -
A secure postal address
For Ofsted to share legal documents.
A personal email address
That’s private and isn’t shared with others.
Referee contact details
Who’ve given permission to support your application.
Step 4 Prepare for your Ofsted visit
If you’re registering on the Early Years Register, an Ofsted inspector will visit your home or main non-domestic premises in order to ensure you fully understand the requirements of the EYFS and that your setting is safe or the children in your care.
Online Consultations
A one hour, one-to-one Zoom meeting with one of our childminding consultants to give you expert help and advice on your chosen subject.
Learn morePolicies and Procedures Resource Pack
Although you won’t need to have all your policy documents in place prior to your Ofsted visit, it’s useful to have some pre-prepared to share with them. Our pack contains pre-prepared versions of all the policy documents you’ll need.
Learn moreStart up Resource Pack
This all-in-one start up pack provides the complete set of documents and procedures you’ll need to set up your new business with ease and accuracy and ensure you’re meeting the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Learn moreStep 5 Your legal responsibilities
Once you’ve received your Ofsted Registration Certificate you can begin childminding but there are several other things you need to do.
Register with HM Revenue and Customs
As most Registered Childminders are self-employed and run their own business you’ll need to make sure you’re registered with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and ensure you’re paying the correct Income Tax and National Insurance. You also have a legal responsiblity to keep financial records.
Register as a data controller
Any business recording personal information electronically must register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and follow the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR. If you do not record this information electronically (on a computer or other device) you may not need to register.
Purchase Public Liability Insurance
This needs to be in place before you start childminding and must be maintained even if you are not currently caring for children. Although several companies provide this it’s important to check policy details to ensure you’ll get sufficient cover. Some Local Authorities state the amount of cover you’ll need if you’re providing government funded childcare places. Childminding UK members receive discounted Public Liability Insurance from Morton Michel.
Check your home and car insurance
You’ll need to review your home insurance policy. Some companies charge additional premiums to include business use or contents cover if you are childminding. If you plan to transport children in your car, you need to be covered for business use on your car insurance. Some companies charge extra for this. If your existing company charges a lot extra, it may be worth shopping around and changing to another insurance company.
Keep up to date with your legal responsibilities
Our affordable membership package is the best way to gain access to all the benefits we offer including updates in legislation via email alerts, training, paperwork and our monthly newsletter.
Only £70 for the first year*
Learn more*If you’ve purchased Introductory or Common Core training. Regular price £90 yearly or £9 monthly.
“Childminding UK have been BRILLIANT! They have literally everything. I’ve adapted their templates for all my policies and procedures and it’s made everything SO much easier and faster to complete and check off my to-do list!” Childminding UK Member
“I'd recommend joining membership as you can access lots of training to really skill yourself up and their resources such as risk assessments and policies etc are an absolute godsend!” Bethany
“I've been a member since completing my course and am so so impressed with the service that’s provided! The resources made available on our accounts are fantastic, the updates on our dashboards are super handy and informative.” Bethany
Start childminding You’re ready to begin
You’re ready to start offering childcare and we’re here to ensure your success with training and support created by our experts.

Time saving downloadable resources
Created specifically for childminders by our highly qualified and experienced team. Includes policies and procedures, risk assessment, posters, guides, all child record forms and more.
Become an Annual Member
Access all the benefits we offer including CPD Accredited online training, downloadable resources, exclusive discounts and telephone support.
Only £70 for the first year*
Learn more*If you’ve purchased Introductory or Common Core training. Regular price £90 yearly or £9 monthly.
Funding for childcare places is changing
Our FREE new pack provides up-to-date guidance on funded places. Learn what options are available, what it means for your business, and how to share this information with parents.
Learn morePreparing for inspections
Childminders are inspected regularly by Ofsted. The results and grading will be published on the Ofsted website. Many parents will read these when choosing a childminder.
Marketing support
Part of running any business is to market the services you offer. Deciding how and where to advertise is crucial to the sucess of your childminding practice.
Professional conduct
It is vital that you portray yourself and your childminding business in a professional manner at all times. Building a strong and reliable reputation will enable you to be more sustainable as a quality childcare option for parents and their children.
Accurate record keeping
If you are registered with Ofsted, you have to keep certain written records as part of your everyday childminding practice. This is a legal requirement and as such will be checked at your Ofsted Inspections.
Need additional support?
Once you’ve received your Ofsted Registration Certificate you can begin childminding but there are several other things you need to do.
Speak to Childminding UK
We are one of the support organisations for childminders listed on the Ofsted website. As a registered charity, we are happy to talk you through the registration process. Just give our friendly team a call on 01536 210685.
Join our Facebook Group
We offer a closed Facebook group specifically for people who are considering becoming an Ofsted registered childminder.
Download our guide to becoming a childminder
Our Becoming a childminder guide provides all the information you’ll need to decide if childminding is for you. It includes who needs to register, what you need to consider, set up costs, being self-employed, Ofsted’s role and where you can get support.
Support from the Local Authority
Your Local Authority's Early Years team may offer support or help during the registration process and when you’re working as a childminder. Many Local Authorities run briefing sessions for pre-registration childminders. Ofsted provide a briefing session that some Local Authorities deliver in their area.
Become an Annual Member
Access all the benefits we offer including CPD Accredited online training, downloadable resources, exclusive discounts and telephone support.
Only £70 for the first year*
Learn more*If you’ve purchased Introductory or Common Core training. Regular price £90 yearly or £9 monthly.