Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage document is the National Framework that all registered childminders in England work to. If you are a childminder in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, your regulations are different and you can find information about what you will work to by using the links below.
Scotland Childminding Association
Wales; Care and Social Services Inspectorate
Northern Ireland Childminding Association
In November 2024 a new registration option was launched for childminders that only use non domestic premises to run their business from i.e. never working from their own homes. This Department for Education FAQ document will be useful to give you an overview. The EYFS was updated at the same time and is available to view and download.
If you are registered on the Early Years Register to care for children from birth to the 31st August after their 5th birthday, you will need to abide by the Early Years Foundation Stage.
The EYFS comprises the Statutory Framework which contains your legal responsibilities for children's health, safety, learning and development as well as guidance documents that can help you to meet the statutory requirements.
The EYFS states that certain records need keeping in writing. While it suggests that childminders do not need to have their policies in writing, and that the childminder can decide if risk assessments are recorded or not, it can be deemed good practice to have these documents in writing too in order to show how childminders can relate the information to parents and others who need to know. It is a requirement that childminders maintain the records needed and share them with parents, carers and other professionals including the police, social services and Ofsted as appropriate. See more about keeping records.
If you would like to purchase policies, risk assesments, consent forms etc. to save you time in creating them yourself, you can find them in our shop.
Compulsory Document
It is compulsory to be familiar with and abide by the EYFS if you are a childminder who is registered on the Early Years Register, but it is not compulsory to have a hard copy.
Download the Statutory Framework For The Early Years Foundation Stage
Understanding and Working with the EYFS Online Course
A step by step guide through the EYFS and what you need to do as a childminder to meet the requirements.
Guidance Documents
There are several non statutory guidance documents available to download that you can use to help you meet the requirements of the EYFS and share information with parents.
Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage
What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage- a guide for parents
Oral Health
From September 2021, the EYFS 3.45- (January 2024 version 3.52) has added the requirement to promote oral health of children attending your setting. The Revised Development Matters Document that also comes into force in September says 'Talk to children about the importance of eating healthily and brushing their teeth. Consider how to support oral health. For example, some settings use a toothbrushing programme.'
Childminders already promote healthy living by providing and teaching about healthy diets, washing hands after visiting the toilet, touching pets, and before eating etc. Many already talk to children about the importance of regular tooth brushing and the role of Dentists. While there isn't a requirement to provide toothbrushing as part of your day to day routines, you may consider this if you feel it would be beneficial to the children in your care.
The facts
Tooth decay is the most common oral disease affecting children and young people in England, yet it is largely preventable.
Although oral health is improving in England, the oral health survey of 5 year olds in 2017 showed that just under a quarter have tooth decay (PHE National Dental Epidemiology Programme for England, 2017). Each child with tooth decay will have on average 3 to 4 teeth affected. For those children at risk, tooth decay starts early. The first survey of 3 year olds in 2014 found that 12% had visible tooth decay, with on average 3 teeth affected.
Almost 9 out of 10 hospital tooth extractions among children aged 0 to 5 years are due to preventable tooth decay and tooth extraction is still the most common hospital procedure in 6 to 10 year olds, according to PHE data up to 2019.
Resources and training
Govt. Child Oral Health Information
Free online learning- All our Health- Child Oral Health
Change 4 Life information about how to reduce sugar in diets
Dental Buddy – free download Oral health education units, each with a lesson plan, presentation and activity. Newly updated the new versions to include 3 units for early years education, along with another 3 units for both key stage 1 and key stage 2::
BrushTime - free download Toothbrushing in groups and settings. Everything you need to know!:
All About Teeth - free download This will shortly be added to Dental Buddy but you can still download as a free resource separately. This is a good background guide to teeth!
A-Z or Oral Health Our directory of oral health information for you to read online:
Govt. Guidance. Health Matters- child dental health explains how poor dental health impacts on wellbeing as well as health