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Safer Eating Pack

Contains 4 resources Included in membership

Using this pack will help Childminders to ensure the safety of the children in their care during mealtimes and snack times. The resources have been created following the tragic death of Oliver Steeping and the family's Eat Safe campaign to prevent choking deaths in childcare settings


About this pack

Why do we need a procedure to ensure Safer Eating? One child dies in the UK every month from choking and hundreds more require hospital treatment. This policy is designed to support Childminders to safeguard mealtimes and reduce the risk of serious harm resulting from choking whilst eating. It has been written to incorporate the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework as well as good practice and learning from incidents where children have sadly died during mealtimes.

This pack is particularly useful for those children going through the weaning process, however, children should always be closely supervised whilst eating, even once weaning is complete. It also clarifies what the responsibilities of the Childminder are and the procedures that should be followed in case of any accidents or incidents during feeding.

Topics covered

  • Safer Eating Policy - Childminders working alone
  • Safer Eating Policy - Childminders working with others
  • Daily Feeding Record
  • Weekly Feeding Record

This pack contains 4 resources:


Safer Eating Policy - Childminders Working Alone

Download Included in membership Pack only

Safer Eating Policy - Childminders Working With Others

Download Included in membership Pack only

Daily Feeding Record Form

Download Included in membership Pack only

Weekly Feeding Record Form

Download Included in membership Pack only